Warming cushion

The ultimate cocooning buddy.

I was trying to conciliate the soothing effect of warmed up linen seeds, with the relaxing effect of lavender aromas, but without warming the flowers…. so came up with this cushion that contains one bag of linen seeds to be warmed up, and one bag of lavender to sit next to it without going directly in the oven or microwave.

Bonus: the linen pouch can be washed.

Cover: unbleached linen dyed with an indigo reserve technique called katazome

Interior pouches: up cycled cotton

See indigo dyeing process here

See lavender processing here

The linen seeds bag can be warmed up either:

– 10 minutes in the oven at 150 º

– on a water radiator for about half an hour,

– in the microwave for 2 minutes on low heat.

Place where needed and enjoy the warmth.

Please make sure not to overheat to avoid burns.

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